We’re announcing regular Pi Art Festivals on Fireside Forum! Why? The art and creativity Pioneers show in every Pi art festival in the past has been amazing, and we want to continue to enable Pioneers to showcase their talent to the community and world.
Each month will have a special theme that aims to highlight different avenues of creativity. Themes will no longer be limited to only art and will now include photography, short essays, and more! This way, Pioneers with a broader set of skills and talent are able to participate in these community festivals.

Theme of the month:
- May 2024: “Photography: My World Through Pi.” We want to see photographs that represent each Pioneer’s environment or experiences in relation to Pi Network.
Excited? Here are the themes for the next three months:
- June: “Art: Pi in the Web3 World.” Art should depict Pioneers interacting with a flourishing Web3 ecosystem in the Pi Browser.
- July: “Memes: The Lighter Side of Pi” Create and share memes that are funny, memorable, and related to Pi.
- August: “Life with Pi in 2030” Create short essays (200-300 words) showcasing how Pi Network will influence or integrate into daily life in the year 2030.
How to Participate
All campaigns will be held within the #PiArt channel in Fireside Forum, Pi’s native social media Web3 app in the Pi Browser. To participate in the campaign, Pioneers can use in-app tokens, which may be obtained through the use of Pi, or by watching ads in Fireside Forum. Learn more about Pi ads here. Using Pi to obtain in-app tokens in Fireside Forum requires Pioneers to migrate to Mainnet after having completed their KYC and Mainnet Migration checklist. Watching ads to receive in-app tokens, on the other hand, does not require KYC or Mainnet Migration.
For each campaign period, use the Pi Browser to visit the #PiArt channel on Fireside Forum and, using the in-app tokens, you can:
- Post your images;
- Rate others’ works by adding or removing Fire; and
- Comment on your favorite pieces
Learn more about Fireside Forum and its innovative cost mechanism at this link here.
Sharing Pioneer Creativity
Pioneers are also encouraged to share their favorite posts on social media using the Share button on the Fireside Forum post and include the #PiArt hashtag. With our new PiNet introduction journey for first time visitors, this is also a great way to showcase the amazing Web3 Pi community with the Web2 world.
See an example of how sharing a Fireside post link works on Twitter. Quite simple!
Top submissions will also be curated by the Core Team to be potentially featured on Pi’s social media and other content. We’ll be looking for great submissions that incorporate the themes well. While we encourage open-minded and thoughtful creations, we ask that PiArt submissions be tasteful and free of hateful, vulgar, or otherwise offensive subject matter.
We’re looking forward to your great contributions so start getting creative!
By participating in this program, or submitting art, Pioneers confirm that they own all rights to their art and agree to its use or publication (along with the Pi username) by Pi Network as “User Content” defined in the Terms of Service. To prevent unauthorized exploitations of Pi trademarks by bad actors to confuse and scam Pi community members, it is essential that they are used properly. See the Pi Network Trademark Guidelines. Pi, Pi Network and the Pi logo are trademarks of the Pi Community Company.