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This blog was updated January 31, 2024.

Pi is excited to announce the launch of the Pi Commerce Hackathon, in which the Pi community will create an app to easily locate local businesses that accept Pi.

Following the success of the PiFest event in December 2023, where thousands of Pioneers participated from 155 countries, it became evident that the Pi community—both merchants and customers—is enthusiastic to engage in Pi transactions within their communities. But, these businesses and customers need a platform on which they can discover each other and conduct business, all while using Pi. 

Pi is excited to announce the launch of the Pi Commerce Hackathon, in which the Pi community will create an app to easily locate local businesses that accept Pi.

Following the success of the PiFest event in December 2023, where thousands of Pioneers participated from 155 countries, it became evident that the Pi community—both merchants and customers—is enthusiastic to engage in Pi transactions within their communities. But, these businesses and customers need a platform on which they can discover each other and conduct business, all while using Pi. 

That’s where the Pi Commerce Hackathon comes in. In response to this demand, this hackathon is supporting development of a Commerce app that connects local Pi businesses with Pioneers.

In support of this Hackathon, the Core Team has developed a prototype for a commerce app that developers can build off of. This prototype will be shared at the start of the Pi Commerce Hackathon, on February 1st, but for now, find a selection of images from the prototype below! This hackathon aims to bring together Pioneer developers to contribute to the development of this utility, furthering our goal of Open Network.

The Challenge

Based on the Core Team’s Commerce App prototype, work in teams to build a Commerce App that will support discoverability and connections between local businesses and customers. App features include a searchable database and map of businesses, business profiles, menus, loyalty programs, Pi payments, and more!  

Below is a video that walks you through the app prototype and links directly to the Figma mockups and prototype. This video serves as a guide. For up-to-date and detailed prototype and mockups, participants should consult the Figma files on Github.

Download the app prototype and mockups on GitHub here. These files are PiOS-licensed for use by Pi community developers. Click on the file name “pi_commerce_app_mockup.fig.” On the following screen, click on the Download icon on the far right.

After you have the Figma files downloaded, you will see the mockup screens. To use the prototype, click on the Play button, which allows you to click around and navigate the app prototype.

Benefits and Support

  • Pi Day Feature: The winning app will be featured during our global Pi Day celebration on March 14, 2024! The app will be shared in our official communications, bringing it to millions of Pioneers around the world.
  • Winning App Support: The winning app, if built using PiOS, may receive support from the Pi Core Team, including server resources to ensure app stability and the removal of cost barriers.

How to Participate

To participate in the hackathon, interested developers must fill out this registration form and sign up to the hackathon mailing list for official updates and team formation help. Collaboration is key, and participants are encouraged to reach out to other developers to create teams or groups focused on building their app.

Between February 1 and March 3, 2024, developers around the world will collaborate to build a Pi commerce app that will connect merchants and customers, and facilitate Pi transactions and utility. The winning app will be announced to the community on Pi Day, March 14, 2024!

Participation Guidelines

  • Registration: All participants must register using the provided form to be eligible for the hackathon. Also be sure to sign up to the hackathon mailing list for official updates from the Core Team, hackathon resources, submission links and reminders, and more. 
  • Timeline: Registration and team formation will begin January 23, 2024. The hackathon will officially begin on February 1, 2024, and submissions will be due on March 3, 2024 by 11:59pm PT. The app prototype will be available around February 1, after which developers will have a month to build the app. Therefore, the period of January 23 – 31 will be critical to forming teams and preparing to build your Pi App.
  • Team Size: There is no limit on team sizes as we encourage developers to collaborate on PiOS and contribute to building the best commerce app possible. Pi Community will see better Pi Commerce applications if developers band together to build a few, high quality apps instead of forming large numbers of teams that lack the necessary developer resources. 
  • PiOS License: Just as participants are encouraged to use the prototype created by the Pi Core Team as a starting point, they are also strongly advised to use the Pi Open Source license for their app. This not only fosters collaboration with developers globally but also allows for additional contributions and localization for the diverse Pi community. Learn more about PiOS below.

App Guidelines

  • The prototype serves as a guide for the flow and functionality of the app. While developers are encouraged to follow it closely, they are not required to build an exact replica. Adding additional features or unique elements specific to their locality is allowed.
  • Apps must abide by our Trademark Guidelines.
  • Apps may never request Pioneers to enter their passphrase.
  • Apps must use only Pi SDK for payments; apps may not charge with non-Pi assets or fiat currencies. 
  • Apps must use only Pi SDK for authentication; there should be no app-specific account or login needed, or additional account creation.
  • Apps must be deployed on the Testnet, outside of the sandbox, for Pioneers and reviewers to interact with the app.
  • App has a functional UI and supports user interactions.
  • App should be minimally functional.
  • Apps must adhere to our recommended data collection guidelines and may NOT collect any user data beyond what is necessary for core functionality.
  • App name should be in English characters.
  • App should have an accurate description in English.
  • App has a Privacy Policy.


Team formation 

  • Chat channel
    • Join “Pi Commerce Hackathon” Pi Chat channel on the mining app or on Pi Browser.
    • Post about yourself: what your skills are, what your experience is, and anything else that you would like to share. You can reach out to others via staked DMs to chat about joining teams.
  • Registration form and Google group.
    • Upon registering for the Pi Commerce Hackathon, you will be asked to join a Google group. You will then receive emails from Core Team to help you identify and connect with peers with complementary skills for potential collaborations.
  • PiOS
    • Check out the commerce apps on PiOS, and make contributions to their code!

App Development

You will need to register your app in the Pi Developer Portal. Follow the instructions below to get started, and to make sure your app is accessible on the Pi Browser. 

  1. Navigate to the Developer Portal (develop.pi) within the Pi Browser
    1. If visiting for the first time, read and accept the terms and conditions
  2. If you haven’t created an app before, tap “New App” and make sure to select “Pi Testnet” as the App Network
  3. On the app dashboard for the app you wish to edit, press the “Configuration” button
  4. Scroll to the field titled “Your App’s URL”, and enter the URL of your application
    1. The URL cannot be the same as another URL already in use by a Developer Portal project. If you have a Testnet and Mainnet application, you should use the URL that you wish users to use to access your Mainnet application. The Testnet app should use a subdomain of the Mainnet app or a completely different URL
    2. You must own this URL; you will be asked to verify ownership later
  5. Press the “Submit” button, this will return you to the app dashboard
  6. Press the “Checklist” button 
  7. Follow the steps of the App Checklist to set up, test, and deploy your application


App submission will take place on a form. This form will be shared in the weeks leading up to the submission deadline (March 3, 2024). The Core Team will share this form with the registered participants. 


  • Developer Onboarding Guide: Details the steps needed to get set up as a new developer in the Pi Ecosystem
  • Getting Started Checklist: A quick start guide of the steps needed to start building on Pi
  • Pi Platform Github Repository: Our developer documentation that has all of the information needed to integrate our Pi SDK and our APIs
  • Pi Demo App Repository: Review or clone our demo application code as a blueprint for your apps. To play with it, navigate to “demo.pi” within the Pi Browser 
  • PiOS: Learn about the Pi Open Source software license and how to use it (Commerce App PiOS page found here)
  • SDK Workshop: Watch a presentation on how to use the Pi SDK
  • Product Workshop: Watch a product design guide for Pi Apps, tailored for hackathon participants


The Pi Open Source (PiOS) Software License allows Pi Community Developers to create Pi Open Source applications and tools for the Pi Ecosystem. The PiOS license grants unrestricted use of the software only within the Pi Ecosystem. Developers are encouraged to use this license when developing a Pi App as well as build on top of the various PiOS applications and tools shared by other Pi Community Developers. Follow the instructions below to use the PiOS license. 

  1. Follow the instructions here.
  2. Incorporate the PiOS License: Your code repository must include the PiOS license. Obtain it here. Remember to customize the Copyright section of the LICENSE file in your repo.
  3. Link Your Repository: Use the template provided below to add your project to the list. Ensure you fill in all the relevant details about your app.


The Pi Commerce App Hackathon presents an exciting opportunity for Pioneer developers to contribute to the growth of the Pi ecosystem. By building a localized commerce app, participants can play a vital role in facilitating Pi transactions and connecting businesses with the Pi community. We look forward to the innovative solutions that will emerge from this hackathon, contributing to our broader utility goal of Open Network. Register now and be part of shaping the future of Pi transactions!

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